Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bearing Fruit!

I am so excited to say that our garden is starting to GROW... oh man I am like a little girl waiting for Christmas with this thing. Mint,Choc Mint, Basil, Thyme, Squash, Tomatillos... on and on.. I CANNOT wait to eat from this garden.

I was thinking about how much work that is put in to nurturing, watering, treating for lady bugs, ants, catterpillars... Do you want them at all? Do you want a little? Are there too many? and So on.

It got me to thinking about relationships and how we can have relationships and plant them, commit to them, but with out a lot of pruning,watering, nurturing, attention,communication on needs; it will not bear fruit.

I pray that you are nurturing and paying attention to the needs of people that you are in relationship with. The growth/fruit that our relationships bear are the proof in the pudding to the attention we pay them.


Mint & Chocolate Mint

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Impressive garden. I mean REALLY impressive. I want one just like it!!!!
