Example A, a head band with a leaf on it for your hair. This was created from fabric that was given to me from my great-grandmother that I combined with some newer fabric. vintage with now. I like.
Example B, A painting with vintage buttons and sillouette bird. The buttons were from my great-grandmother. Some were bingo buttons from cardboard that she made and the others were just some funky 70's style buttons that I could never find now. The bird was something a very talented friend of mine had left overs that she made for her wedding. SCORE! now just to find a cool frame and its ready to go. :)
Example C, A dress from my Aunt. Very 40's style, which I love! It was all white and I just never felt comfy wearing an all white dress. So I touched it up with some fabric flowers and embellishing. YAY. Ready to wear. almost. I think I will be changing the buttons on this one.
What's my point? DO things that you were created and gifted with!! You were given these things for a reason. USE them. :) I promise that you will find that place of peace. I always find it the most challenging to get myself to sit down and be creative, but when I do. MAN, is it life giving.
Some other things I enjoy: being outside, my garden, reading in a hammock, playing the violin, listening to music with my eyes closed.
What makes YOU happy?
God created us to be Joyful
You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.Psalm 16: 11
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